Produced: 1955 - USA, AIP, b/n, 78 min.
Directors: David Kramarsky and Lou Place
Screenwriter: Tom Filer
Producer: Roger Corman
Make-up: Paul Blaisdell
Cast: Paul Birch, Lorna Thayer, Dona Cole, Leonard Tarver, Dick Sargent, Chester Conklin, Bruce Whitmore
Shortly after an object from space falls to earth, events unfold on the Kelly farm that are strange to say the least: farm animals, and even the family dog, rebel, and a flock of birds attacks the house without reason. Their farmhand, devoted and affectionate, changes his personality and shows a new, animalistic side, when he attacks and kidnaps the Kellys' young daughter.
The girl's fiancee, following the tracks of the kidnapper, discovers, hidden in a section of the desert, an impressive monster equipped with a million eyes. The being is an extraterrestrial creature that has the strange power to control animals and people, and to see through their eyes. When the monster is destroyed, everything returns to normal . . . even a timid rabbit, who takes off like a raging fury.
Roger Corman produced a story (and according to some sources, directed it, although not credited with that) in which the subversion of everyday order is the forerunner of certain aspects of The Birds by Alfred Hitchcock.
Typical of Corman are the open ending and visually, the obsession to see and to be seen, and the metaphor of the cinematographic medium.
English version by Vince Mattaliano